Sunday, August 30, 2020

Where Do I get My News?

News in the 21st Century

        News and how we receive it has changed massively in the past two decades. I believe two deciding factors facilitated this, the first being technology, and second being more and more outlets. I used to only get news from one place television primarily NBC news in the mornings and nights of school nights. Though getting older and having more access to technology has made it possible for me to now get news updates from a multitude of sources, which isn't necessarily the best. I say this because a quote from someone opened up my eyes, Denzel Washington. "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed, In our society, now it's just first — who cares, get it out there. We don't care who it hurts. We don't care who we destroy. We don't care if it's true. Just say it, sell it. Anything you practice you'll get good at — including BS." - Denzel Washington (USA Today). Sadly I believe that's how it is today, people just want to be first so now I pay closer attention to where and how new/old the information is regarding a topic. To list five sources where I get my news from would be NBC, IGN, GameInformer, Instagram, and YouTube. Now you might say some of those are a bit unreliable, and yes i'd agree with that but here's the thing, I take all news now with a grain of salt and with a close attention to word choice because it makes a huge difference in stories. 

        Why I choose to go to these cites is because some of them have fast in delivering news, not neccasrily being correct but its brought to my attention and to be aware of. And other cites I go to because I validate them more than others, Instagram is a prime example of a great source of whats going on, not a great source of knowing if its true or not though. On the other hand NBC is great to me for information and knowledge, not so much sometimes for speed. 

        Overall people have to start realizing that just because someone might have the story first doesn't mean they got it right, everyone and everything has an agenda is life, whether its good or bad is subjective to those but there is always an agenda to be had. 

My Online Footprint

 My Onlin e Footprint      The online footprint I have is largely in videogames and less on social media. I have a few forms of it including...