Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Protection Of the First Amendment

The First Amendment

    This amendment enables Americans to have the right to freedom of speech, peaceful assemblies, and the freedom to practice religion without congress infringing on those said rights set forth by the amendment. The times we are in as an American society are troubling. We are caught amidst a racial divide alongside a divide of beliefs, it feels as if many Americans have lost their way of thinking and understanding other people's points of view. And once people begin to shut the door on the "opposition" they become frustrated when they don't acknowledge them. Frustration leads to anger and anger turns to violence.    

    Many assemblies of peaceful Americans protesting the BLM movement, are starting out in a peaceful manner, but over the course of the assembly, it has seen that they slowly become violent. Not due to the people who wish to see proper change, but from those who want anarchy, those who don't care for the movement itself but see it as an opportunity to gain something, mainly financial. With the rampant looting of storefronts and businesses, it's not a good look for the BLM movement, but it's really not their fault. Back to what the first amendment condones and what it doesn't. It would condone the peaceful assembly of BLM members, though that protection would be quickly ripped away from anyone if the protest/assembly turned violent. Therefore violating its peaceful status.

    I believe that the ability to have our citizens freely express themselves in non-violent ways are imperative to our society and the ability to recognize and reevaluate things whether that be racial, societal, economic.



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