Wednesday, October 28, 2020

My Privacy And Why I Just Don't Care Anymore

 My Privacy And Why I Just Don't Care Anymore.

    Personally, I've made my mind up a long time ago in regards to privacy and technology. No one. not me, not you, not jeff down in I.T. can stop the marching onslaught of progress that is modern technology. I'd like to quote a special someone here who puts my thoughts into a concise phrase Thanos: "Dread it, Run from it. Destiny still arrives." Privacy is something that is rapidly becoming a thing of the past with how much information companies and websites sap out of everything you do online. Reiterating my stance on the whole "oh wow we don't really have privacy do we" my answer is short and sweet because I just accept the fact that you can't fight back against the march of time and technology as just one person. Excuse my brevity on the topic but there just is not that much that shocks me.

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