Friday, November 27, 2020

My Online Footprint

 My Online Footprint

    The online footprint I have is largely in videogames and less on social media. I have a few forms of it including Instagram and Snapchat but I rarely use them so I personally don't count them because I just rarely use them. But as for video games, I have a multitude of accounts and profiles that I play on as well as other accounts that link to those profiles. Ive taken a break off of social media entirely for possibly almost a year now and when I do return to it, I plan on redoing all of my accounts from scratch and creating a more streamlined and clearer image of myself. Social media in it of itself is a place where people put themselves at a higher standing point than where they really are. That's why we have all these Social Media "influencers" who show them living these incredible lives but that's only what they show us. I've given out personal information to my accounts that require them but nothing more than that. 
Social Media most certainly makes people depressed and lonely. It stimulates an unhealthy culture to care about likes and other trival things when people need to value more important things such as the in the moment stuff or the substance of the photos or videos being taken. 
 Snapchat (@Snapchat) | Twitter

Thursday, November 26, 2020

EOTO: The Sherman Act

What Is The Sherman Antitrust Act.

The Sherman Antitrust Act is a law passed by the United States Congress in 1890. The primary purpose of this law is to allow the federal government to intervene in markets for the purpose of maintaining competition. In the act, there are two brief sections. Section one states Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal.” This section forbiade companies from deciding to coordinate their prices instead of competing with one another. In section two of the Antitrust act, Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony” Section two of the act prohibits a company from monopolizing a market.

Examples of Sections 1&2:
  • 1: A few grocery stores collude to make the price of bananas and other fruits more expensive and they are the only suppliers in the area.  

  • 2: When Microsoft tried to monopolize the internet browser market via legal and technical restrictions it put on PC manufacturers and its users. 

The implications of if the Sherman Antitrust Act are great for our society, though companies like Apple have tried to circumvent it via certain business practices. And by doing so it has led to many of its customers complaining and bringing more and more attention to their shady practices.

This act affects me and everyone around because it should prevent mega-corporations from forming. Hopefully we don't end up in a situation like all of those dystopian movies where mega companies dominate whatever market they are in. 
United States antitrust law - Wikipedia

My Online Footprint

 My Onlin e Footprint      The online footprint I have is largely in videogames and less on social media. I have a few forms of it including...